The Most Common Nutritional Deficiency


When I begin working with a client, the first question I ask is: How much water do you drink? Water is by-far the most common nutritional deficiency, especially in America. We are a culture grown up on processed foods striped of water and caffeine that further dehydrates us. Dehydration can lead to a long list of health issues that will honestly blow your mind. Here is a list of early and late signs of dehydration:

Early Signs of Dehydration:

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Depression

  • Cravings

  • Cramps

  • Headaches

Late Signs of Dehydration:

  • Heartburn

  • Joint Pain

  • Back Pain

  • Migraines

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Constipation

  • Colitis

There is a reason that our bodies can survive 8 weeks without food, but only days without water. The long list of duties that water has in our body is what keeps us alive. Our bodies are made up of 60% water! Some of the roles water has in our body include: Transporting nutrients, enabling cellular hydration, removing waste, flushing toxins, moistening oxygen for easier breathing, regulating our body temperature, cushioning bones & joints, and empowering natural healing processes. Water is what helps move the mucous in our body. I find so many of the clients I work with struggle with sinus problems or joint pain and most are cured with water alone. Our immune system needs water in order to fight infection and our digestive system needs water to properly digest food. All things our body relies on stems from this one liquid that can be easily attained from our own home.

So, how do we get hydrated?

The confusion that I once struggled with was how much I should be drinking on a daily basis. As a kid, I remember learning that we needed 8 glasses of water a day and I soon came to realize that this is actually a bio-individual need based on weight and diuretic consumption.

The equation is simple: Take your body weight and divide it in half. That’s how much water in ounces you need every day. BUT, if you drink diuretics like coffee or soda that dehydrate you, you must multiply ounces of diuretics by 1.5 and add that number to your total water consumption.

Example: 155 lb woman who drinks 8 oz of coffee daily. (155/2 + 8x1.5= 89.5 ounces daily)

However, it is possible to drink too much water! Our body can only filter and absorb so much water in a day that it can lead to health issues if you’re drinking too much as well. We should never drink more than ONE GALLON of water a day. The same signs of dehydration are used to identify drinking too much water as well.

Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphate) are a small group of minerals that our body needs in order for our cells to properly hydrate. This is a small fact that is vital in our hydration. An easy way to guarantee enough mineral or electrolyte consumption is to add a pinch of unrefined sea salt to our water. This is a tip I give to all clients and use myself on days I’m feeling run down. I also use Ultima electrolyte powder on days where I am sweating to replenish electrolytes (cherry pomegranate is my fave flavor).

What is the best water to drink?

Filtered, Reverse Osmosis, Alkaline, Spring, Distilled, etc. There are so many words used to describe water these days that it’s hard to make an educated decision on which one to drink! Reverse Osmosis is the safest and cleanest water to drink, but it has been treated to the point where there are no minerals left whatsoever. Water is our main resource of minerals which is why so many of us are so depleted in them. I don’t recommend R.O. or distilled water because they are empty water that don’t benefit us unless minerals are added back into it. At the end of the day, all-natural water is the best for us but bacteria and pathogens are concerns in city water which is why it gets treated with chemicals like Fluoride and Chloramine (Chlorine and Ammonia). This is the reason tap water is NOT an option for drinking in most cities. Consuming these chemicals can lead to so many health issues. There are resources online to access information on how your counties’ water is treated if you are interested! But the main concern is finding a proper way to make sure all chemicals are filtered out of your drinking and bathing water.


Berkey Water Filters

The only water filter I recommend is the Berkey Water Filtration system. It is a stainless steel system with carbon filters that can remove more than 200 unsafe contaminants included chemicals like Chloramine. I recommend this system to every single person I talk water with because they last for years of use and filter anything harmful. The filters themselves can last around 4 years and only require a routine clean every 6 months when filtration speed slows. They also offer an added fluoride filter which makes such a noticeable difference in the taste of the water. The amount of Fluoride that is pumped into our drinking water isn’t considered safe for human consumption so this is highly recommended. My favorite product of theirs is the shower filter! I had no idea that the chemicals in tap water become steam in our showers and act as carcinogens in our lungs. The difference I saw in my energy, skin, hair, and digestive system once switching to Berkey filters was leagues above any change I made for myself throughout my healing journey. I can happily say I’ve used my system without any issues since 2015 and no other water I have had compares. We bring this on vacation with us to Airbnbs or camping so that we don’t have to invest in filtered water, but mainly because I’m a snob and no other water tastes quite as good.

I am beyond thrilled to be an affiliate for this company and if you’re interested in purchasing a Berkey for yourself please CLICK HERE. You body will thank you.